Hey, There Are Nuts In My Beer!: The Rise Of American Nut Ales


From raw oysters to bacon and even algae, craft brewers are a kamikaze crew willing to utilize any foodstuff in the endless quest for unique flavors. But while some offbeat beers seem like an April Fool’s joke come to real life (that would be real bull testicles in Wynkoop Brewery’s Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout), dipping into the pantry does not mean creating a beer that’s a double dog dare.

Though it may seem bonkers, a number of brewers are turning to nuts to add appealing and unexpected nuance to beers. From Lazy Magnolia’s Southern Pecan Nut Brown Ale to Perennial Artisan Ales’ Black Walnut Dunkel, here are our favorite nut-flavored beers. You’d have to be crazy not to try them.


Black Walnuts




Other Nuts Worth Mentioning

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